Centres for Assisted Reproduction SANUS Hradec Králové SANUS Pardubice SANUS Jihlava
Plastic surgery Health care - covered by insurance Beauty care – paid by the patient
Gynaecology Prenatal diagnosis
Medical genetics Urology X-ray site Orthopaedics Rehabilitation
Office hours Restaurant

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Office hours

Centre for Assisted Reproduction SANUS Jihlava

Consultations of physicians      Morning                                    Afternoon                                  
Monday - Friday MUDr. Martin Kučera, Ph.D. MUDr. Martin Kučera, Ph.D.

Where you will find us

The Centre for Assisted Reproduction is located in the Jihlava Hospital, in Pavilion G, on the 4th floor.

Vrchlického 59, 58633 Jihlava, CZECH REPUBLIC
